In 1985, Christian singer/songwriter Michael Card released an album entitled Scandalon. The quote above is taken from Card's website in reference to the album and the song by the same title.
The Gospel? Scandalous?
Read these lyrics, taken from the song:
Along the path of life there lies a stubborn Scandalon
And all who come this way must be offended
To some He is a barrier, To others He's the way
For all should know the scandal of believing
He will be the truth that will offend them one and all
He will be the truth that will offend them one and all
A stone that makes men stumbleAnd a rock that makes them fall
Many will be broken so that He can make them whole
And many will be crushed and lose their own soul
© 1985, Michael Card
© 1985, Michael Card
I've known and liked that song for more than 2 decades now, and yet, today it carries new meaning for me. Following the events of Saturday's Shipping Cart Concert (see Derrick's Blog for details), I am reminded of the fact that many will not receive the gospel willingly.
Despite the early conclusion of our event, there is much to celebrate about the events of the past weekend:
So, all in all I call it a success. For over an hour and a half, the gospel was proclaimed and the name of JESUS lifted up. In itself that's a great thing, but perhaps there's even a greater good that things happened as they did. Had all gone as we planned we would have missed out on an experience that will undoubtedly steel us to greater service for God.
I've never really thought myself to be the rebellious type, but maybe there is something lurking deep inside me seeking opportunities to scandalize the world for Christ. Hmmm... I think I like it....
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